
  • 图书作者:贾林
  • 书号:9787119060439
  • 译者:
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 装帧:平装
  • 页数:217
  • 出版日期:2010-01-01
  • 定价:110

Many travel books tell about the spectacular snow mountains and rivers in Tibet, but different areas of Tibet are entirely different, with diverse geographical features and landscapes. This book will guide you to the most memorable sights.

Having evaluated the many warnings on altitude sickness, the author tells you how the high altitude can affect you personally. It also has a list of questions to determine if you are physically fit for Tibet travel. And it lists many important safety rules for sightseeing in the region.

This book, unlike other travel books, explains the most cost-effective means of transportation, and how to plan time-saving travel packages to the most beautiful scenic areas and places where traditional customs are emphasized.

Advice on how to get the deepest understanding of Tibetan traditions and festivals, and etiquette tips for honoring local customs are included, e.g., the correct side of the street to stroll on when shopping, and how to react to gestures and rituals that may appear strange.

Finally, this book lists the best times and dates to visit popular tourist destinations. It also lists ticket prices, and even gives pointers on how to take the best photos.


 Jia Lin has lived in a Tibetan areafor more than20 years and benefited from his lifelong work as ajournalist. Tlaveling the width and breadth of Tibetthroughout the year. he has a deep and personalunderstanding oJTibet, including its mountams, riversand monasteries. Based on his firsthand informationaccumulated over the years, he writes about the naturalscenery and cultural sites of Tibet. breaking Tibet intoseven areas and taking into consideration the needs" ofdifferent types of tourists. Illustrated with more thanlOO photographs, this book is an excellent source ofinformation and is an indispensable guide to travelers.